How to Use the Foods You Can

In 1924, Ila Briley Allen wrote a book for Ball Brothers: “How To Use the Foods You Can”.  There was a section for each month within the book. The book gave sample meals as well as recipes for most items. For July, Ms. Allen recommended: 

Breakfast – Cantaloupe, Spanish Scrambled Eggs, Graham Muffins and Butter, Coffee (Adults) and Milk (Children)

Lunch  – Mixed Vegetable Salad and Mayonnaise, Bread and Butter, Cottage Cheese, Jelly Donuts and Pinepple – ade.

Dinner – Broiled Mackerel or White Fish with Tartar Sauce*, New Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, Bread and Butter, Sliced Cucumbers, Apricot Bavarian Cream* and Hot or Iced Tea.

Specialty items for an afternoon tea or guest might consist of – Pineapple Salad with Mayonnaise, Nut Sandwiches, Little Peach Pies*, coffee or tea.

Canned Chicken Salad Sandwiches*, Tiny Crullers, canned Peach Salad* with mayonnaise, coffee or tea

The * indicates items that would have been canned in Ball Jars.

1899 Yorktown Methodist Church Dedicated

1899 Dedication of Yorktown M. E. Church (25 Jun).

The church received its first deed in 1875 on land that was set aside by Oliver H. Smith when he platted the town. By 1898, the church had outgrown the structure. The building was moved and another church was built on the same site. The church sat on the corner of Walnut and High Streets in Yorktown on lot 90.

1950 Methodist Church Fire

In 1950, a major remodeling project was undertaken at the Methodist Church. Christmas services were held in the morning and a wedding was planned for the afternoon of December 24. Shortly after services were dismissed, smoke was seen coming from the south part of the sanctuary. High winds at the height of the fire blew sparks to several parts of town, setting fire to the roof of the neighboring school building and several houses in the area. The church was completely destroyed by the fire. Services were held in the school until a new building was completed.

In 1961, fire once again threatened the church. Thanks to the quick action by some passers-by and the local fire department, the tower area was the only portion of the building damaged.