Yorktown/Mt. Pleasant Historical Alliance and Museum

Bell, Joseph

Bell, JosephEARLY PURCHASE,  land in Section 21, Mt. Pleasant Township, Delaware County, IN, 1 Jul 1826. Not in census records in 1830, 1840, 1850 in Delaware County.

Metzcar, John Wesley (1877- 1964); and Myrtle Fletcher Wesley (1879-1962)

Metzcar, John Wesley (1877- 1964); wife,  Myrtle Fletcher (1879-1962) John was the manager of the Western Reserve Condensed Milk Company of Yorktown Myrtle Fletcher was the daughter of Fountain Fletcher and Eliza J. Crawley, one of the pioneer families of this county.

From 1924 biography: Manager of the Western Reserve Condensed Milk Company of Yorktown, Metzcar is a native of Ohio but has been a resident of Indiana and of Delaware county for many years. Mr. Metzcar was born on a farm in the vicinity of Greenville, in Darke County, Ohio, November 11, 1877, and is a son of Daniel and Emma (Wissinger) Metzcar, the latter of whom was born in Baltimore, Md. The late Daniel Metzcar was born in Darke county, Ohio, grew to manhood on a farm there and was a farmer all his life

John W. Metzcar was reared on the home farm in Darke county and as a young man was for some time employed working in a hotel at Greenville. He then came over into Indiana and became employed working in a glass factory at Yorktown, became a glass blower, and was thus engaged for six years, at the end of which time he became connected with the operation of the Union Fibre Company of Yorktown. For thirteen years Mr. Metzcar was employed with the Union Fibre Company, or until early in 1918, when he transferred his connection to the operations of the Western Reserve Condensed Milk Company of Yorktown.

Five months later, in September of that year, he was made manager of the plant and operations of this company and has since occupied that position, general manager of a concern for whose products a wide market has been created. Mr. Metzcar is a Republican. He is affiliated with the local lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Improved Order of Red Men at Yorktown and has been “through the chairs” in all of these lodges. He and his wife are members of the Christian (Disciples) church. John W. Metzcar married Myrtle Fletcher, daughter of Fountain Fletcher and a member of one of the pioneer families of this county, and he and his wife have four children, Paul, Crystal, Juanita and, Maurice Metzcar. Paul Metzcar married Beatrice Hoffman and was a (1924) principal of the Cammack school.

Obituaries for John and Myrtle

Ancestry.com Family Data Sheet below


Newby, Jonathon

Newby, Jonathon, was the lead singer of the post-hardcore/progressive rock band Brazil from its inception in 2000 until August 2007. Jonathon and his brother Nic Newby were two of the founding members. On earlier Brazil recordings, Jonathon played drums but eventually became the lead singer. Newby left the band in 2007, resulting in its break-up. (Source: WikipediaWikipedia Link See Brazil perform “Escape” HERE.

Parkinson, Bruce

Bruce Parkinson lead the Yorktown team to its first ever sectional championship in 1972 and won against New Castle in the regional.  As the team captain, he received a gold medal at the Pan-Am Games in basketball in 1975.

Parkinson was a four-year starter for Purdue University and an All-Big Ten point guard. He holds  Purdue’s all time record of assists over 40 years after his last game with a career record of 690 assists.

He is the son of Jack Parkinson. Parkinson was inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame in 2004. He was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers  in 1976 and the Washington Bullets in 1977. He did not actively play in the NBA.

Warfel, Herbert Elmer (1902-1981) and Lucille Gladys Talbott (1910-1985)

Herbert Elmer Warfel was a well-known zoologist and oceanographer. He was born in 1902  in Yorktown, Indiana to William Turner Warfel and Hester Ann Myers.  He lived in Winter Park, Colorado; Amherst, Massachusetts; New Hampshire; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the Philippines.  He was a college professor at Massachusetts State College in Amherst teaching zoology. In 1947, he left on a 3-year oceanography expedition living in the Philippines with his family. Their families and available resources in Ancestry are in the PDF files below.

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From his college yearbook
Gladys Talbott Warfel (1910-1985)

350 photos of Herbert E. Warfel and his studies. For sale on Etsy Dec 2020. Seller is not know to us.


Photograph Archive Documenting the Career of Zoologist Herbert Warfel in Colorado, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico. Various Places: 1920s-1960s. Collection of 350 photographs belonging to Herbert Warfel, a zoologist whose career spanned the country and the globe. In the 1920s, Warfel worked as a High School Biology teacher in Gunnison, then at the Rocky Mountain National Laboratory, a high altitude field station founded in 1928. He went on to work as a professor at Massachusetts State College and in the New Hampshire FIsh and Game Department, before departing in 1947 as part of a three year oceanographic and fisheries research expedition in Philippine waters aboard the Spencer F. Baird. One article called the expedition “the most intensive survey attempted in the at science [oceanography].” Warfel also served as head of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Philippines, before changing careers and becoming headmaster of the American school system in the Philippines in the 1950s and as superintendent of the largest private elementary school in San Juan, Puerto Rico in the 1960s. This collection includes images documenting every period in Warfel’s life. Roughly 60-80 images depict hiking and camping trips in the mountains around Gunnison, Colorado; some appear to have been high school field trips, while others were possibly research trips. Around 45 images (including a few 8 x 10″ photos) depict the Spencer F. Baird and her sister ships during the oceanographic expedition, including photos of crew members and many photographs of deep sea fishing–including the catching of huge, exotic sea creatures such as angel sharks and sand tiger sharks. 25 images from the same period depict the shores of the Phillipines, including a dozen or so photographs of native villages–houses, docks, villagers, and people rowing long canoes. Another 85 or so photos depict research work, mainly in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, including field work with students in swamps and marshes, laboratory images, and photographs of scientific slides and animal specimens. Finally, there are five photographs (and some newspaper clippings) relating to a teachers’ award ceremony in Puerto Rico, plus around 130 photographs of family life. Overall in excellent condition, some curling and/or yellowing.  [5885]

Warfel, Herbert Elmer (1902-1981) and wife Lucille Glaydys Talbot (1910-1985)

Warfel, Herbert Elmer (1902-1981) and Lucille Gladys Talbott (1910-1985)   Herbert Elmer Warfel was an internationally-known zoologist and oceanographer. He was born in 1902  in Yorktown, Indiana to William Turner Warfel and Hester Ann Myers.  He lived in Winter Park, Colorado; Amherst, Massachusetts; New Hampshire; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the Philippines.  He was a college professor at Massachusetts State College in Amherst teaching zoology. In 1947, he left on a 3-year oceanography expedition living in the Philippines with his family.