1898 The Morning News begins using Linotype machines

1898 The Morning News (Muncie) begins using Linotype machines, the first in the Delaware County (25 May) The Linotype machine, was developed in the United States in 1884 by a German watchmaker named Ottmar Mergenthaler.

The Linotype drastically sped up the printing process by its innovative technique of “line casting,” which placed entire lines of type for printing, rather than just individual letter typesetting. “Linotype” is a derivation from its full name, “Line of Type,” which describes the individual lines produced in lead. The machine revolutionized the newspaper industry and drastically increased the speed at which a printing plate could be produced.

International Printing Museum, 35-minute video on the Linotype machine

1899 Yorktown Methodist Church Dedicated

1899 Dedication of Yorktown M. E. Church (25 Jun).

The church received its first deed in 1875 on land that was set aside by Oliver H. Smith when he platted the town. By 1898, the church had outgrown the structure. The building was moved and another church was built on the same site. The church sat on the corner of Walnut and High Streets in Yorktown on lot 90.