1899 A franchise is granted by county commissioners to George F. McCulloch for the electric rail road from Muncie west along highway through West Muncie, Yorktown and Daleville to the county line. To be completed by Sep. 1900.
1899 Yorktown Methodist Church Dedicated
1899 Dedication of Yorktown M. E. Church (25 Jun).
The church received its first deed in 1875 on land that was set aside by Oliver H. Smith when he platted the town. By 1898, the church had outgrown the structure. The building was moved and another church was built on the same site. The church sat on the corner of Walnut and High Streets in Yorktown on lot 90.
1899 Decision Against Muncie Pulp Co. for Polluting
1899 Appellate court affirms decision against the Muncie Pulp Co. for polluting the water of Buck Creek (21 Dec)
1900 Interurban Service Begins in Yorktown
1900 Interurban (electric train line) line between Muncie and Anderson begins with stops in Yorktown. (1 Oct)
Full of Bad Whiskey