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New Electronic Newsletter and Website
Happy New Year! With the new year comes new projects at the Yorktown/Mt. Pleasant Historical Alliance (YHA). First, we are excited to publish our newsletter, “Once Upon a Time”, in a new electronic format. We think you’ll find the electronic format interactive, engaging, and fun. Look for links in blue to learn more, hear music, or even watch a video. If you are receiving a paper copy of the newsletter, look for the electronic newsletter on our website.
Our website is up and we are working diligently to add more content and work out the bugs. We encourage members to visit and help us add content before the website is publicly released. Go to www.yorktownhistory.online for a visit. You can get an idea of the structure.
Julie Musick Hillgrove has worked over a year on website structure, research, building resources, and content. We now have enough structure to invite volunteers to help. You can read about opportunities to help in the “Volunteer” section of the newsletter. We welcome your comments, ideas, questions, suggestions, and corrections. May this new year bring you much happiness and good health. ~Becky Sears Monroe, President