How to Search

How to Search Our Website

It is our goal to collect information and resources about our local history and enter that data into our website data base.

Much of the raw data and information on our web site won’t be visible unless a search is made.

Looking for your family?

To begin a search, we suggest you start with a last name only and see what reference materials show up in the search. Once the data base is more robust, you may want to add the first name. ex: Smith, John.

If you have family stories or items to contribute, send them to:

Keep checking back. The available information will be constantly changing.

Looking for a particular subject?

These are the 2021 post categories: 

  • Advertisements
  • Bar/Restaurant
  • Biographies
  • Blog (News items and Articles)
  • Books (ebooks, magazines)
  • Business and Buildings
  • Church
  • Clubs 
  • Local History
  • Map 
  • Membership
  • Newsletter Once Upon a Time
  • Newspaper Clippings
  • Photos (items in Photo Gallery)
  • Pioneer (pre-1850 settlers)
  • Product (Items in the store)
  • Recipes (grandmother’s recipes and local favorites)
  • Resource Information (Source and supporting materials)
  • School (Items related to school)
  • Sports (Go Tigers!)
  • Volunteer 
  • Yearbook (Items from Yearbooks)

Categories are used to put information in the appropriate place on the website.  Think of the  categories as the contents list in the front of the book. You can search by category. 

Category items are also tagged with specifics so they can be displayed in a search. This helps you drill down into a specific subject.

Tags are the details, what you would expect to find in the index at the back of a book.  A business name, a year, a last name, a subject. 

If searching for a subject, we suggest searching with a tag first.

For example,  “hardware store” would display information about  all hardware stores. “Carpenter’s Hardware”, “Childs and Son Hardware”, and local history articles. Searches pull information from all categories of information. You can also search for the name of the business, like “Carpenter” and only posts with the name “Carpenter” will be in the search.

Try the most general tag first.

For fun, try searching by year “1925” or interest, like “sports”. 

Our search bar is quite robust. As we enter more data, more will come up in a search.