This collection of newspaper clippings, articles, and files contain some of my research notes and other items of interest about the area. Of particular interest to me was the West Muncie Development Project causing the town of Yorktown to fight to keep its identity. Also of note is the 1893 small pox epidemic in Muncie. Interests also included how the epidemic progressed and its effect on the surrounding areas.
You will also find notes on the ownership of Samuel Cassman, a native American who was given the reserve of land that became the location of “York Town”. There was much controversy regarding the sale of the land by Cassman to Goldsmith C. Gilbert, a land developer and speculator. The sale was later invalidated and terms were worked out later for a larger purchase price acceptable to Cassman and his children years later. Gilbert, just months after purchasing the land from Cassman, sold the land to Oliver H. Smith.

1970 Black Student Teacher Asked to Leave YHS
The following articles describe a troubling racial incident in Indianapolis and, later, Yorktown in the 1970’s. Fifty years later, I think we can speak to

1964 New Bridge Over White River
This is the bridge near the Middle School (left). In 1964 the school contained grades 1-12.

1968 Bridge Approach and Widening of Bridge Over Buck Creek

Hullabaloo Scene
The Hullabaloo was a dance club for teenagers 14-18, on November 17, 1967. It was near the corner of Highway 32 and Andrews Road, east

1920 Gone! Yorktown Boys Disappear
Cummins, Corwin and Staggs, Howard Howard Staggs, Age 15 Corwin Cummings, Age 14 FROM OUR NEWSLETTER, “ONCE UPON A TIME”, JANUARY 2021. While reading newspapers

1837 Proposal of Mail Route to Yorktown
NEW MAIL SERVICE The state of Indiana considers a proposal for a three day-a-week mail service from Indianapolis to Greenville, Ohio via Munceytown and Yorktown
Cummins, Rollie Shortridge (1877-1935) and Emma Mae Andre Cummins (1874-1948)
Rollie Shortridge Cummins and Emma Mae Andre Cummins were the parents Andre (1901), Corwin (1905), James (1910, and Marion (1914). Rollie was the pricipal of
1929 Rollie and Mae Cummins Divorce
25 April 1929, Muncie Star Press, Muncie

1920 Farmers Meet to Discuss Meeting Schedule and Lack of Trucks to Transport Goods

5 Generations in Yorktown-Sears and Edmundson
Newspaper Clipping about 1965

Yorktown Baseball 1920
The Yorktown Baseball Team of 1920 had a very good season with 16 wins and 3 losses at the end of the season. The articles