Photo Gallery

Alpha Omega Kindergarten 1963-1964

By Julie Musick for June 2023 Newsletter Yorktown Schools didn’t offer kindergarten when my family moved from Muncie to Yorktown in 1963. I was already a seasoned kindergartener with 2 months under my belt at Garfield Elementary School. I already knew how to stand in line and share. I played

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Interurban Cars

The wooden cars were painted green. The later, steel cars, were painted orange. Most were melted down during WW II.

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1917 I.O.O.F. Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Posted by James Romack, Facebook, Yorktown Indiana Historical Alliance 1917 I.O.O.F. Lodge 345, The lodge was rebuilt after the block was partially burned after a fire in 1913. You can see a garage on the corner. The gas pump is just on the other side of the car. A barbershop

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1925 10 Member Girls Team

1925 YHS Girls Basketball Team

1925 Yorktown High School Girls’ Basketball Team Left to right: Mary Connelly, Evelyn Applegate, June Littlefield, Edna Kilgore, Evelyn Miller, Mary Donovan, Helen V. Donovan Dora May Miller, Winifred Dater, Mary Skinner and Coach Park

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Hullabaloo Scene

The Hullabaloo was a dance club for teenagers 14-18, on November 17, 1967. It was near the corner of Highway 32 and Andrews Road, east of Yorktown. The club was owned by Larry A Robertson, David E. Robertson, and Jeffry Carter. Dance lessons were taught by Mari Brown and Jamie

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1972 Library Aides and Audio Visual Guys at YMH

1972 LIBRARY AIDES & AV YMH 1972 Library & AV Aides Left to Right,  Row 1: Tim Hudson, Nancy Black, Brenda McKibben, Angie Macken, Dennis Bennett. Row 2: Steve Mirer, Stephanie Rhoades, Lisa Walker, Janet Young, Kim King, Melodie Miller, Jeff Mixell. Row 3: Wes Martzell, Tom McCall, Kim Kirkaldy,

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Dairy Queen 1961

The Dairy Queen was on Smith Street in downtown Yorktown. At this time there was no dine-in service. One just walked up and placed an order. The very first Dairy Queen opened in Illinois in 1940. The Dairy Queen appeared in this 1965 advertisement of Yorktown Merchants.

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Yorktown Methodist Church

The Yorktown Methodist Episcopal Church built their first church in January 1875. The churches were supported by ministers who rode a circuit to minister to the people. The earliest churches in Yorktown met in homes and the school house. Just 23 years after building the first church, they had outgrown

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1947 Yorktown Senior Class History

Want to see their smiling senior photos? Class pictures can be found in the photo gallery. Graduating class members are: Barbara Ann Applegate, Donna Louise Atwell, Julie Alice Broadwater, Beverly Rose Burgess, Harold H. Byerly, Richard C. Clark, Clarence A Cook, Reva Mae Curtis, Earl Davenport, Jr., Norman Ralph Dragoo,

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1948 McKibben and Burgess
1948 Jim McKibben and Percy “Clyde” Burgess at the Burgess Service Station. Clyde was born in 1879 and died in 1963. Man Standing in front of Hop's Drive In
Hop’s Drive-In 1950’s
Hop’s Drive-In was just the place to go after school in the 1950’s. Downtown Yorktown, Indiana. William Lews “Hop” Hopping, owner.
1972 Library Aides & AV YMH
1972 Library & AV Aides Left to Right,  Row 1: Tim Hudson, Nancy Black, Brenda McKibben, Angie Macken, Dennis Bennett. Row 2: Steve Mirer, Stephanie Rhoades, Lisa Walker, Janet Young, Kim King, Melodie Miller, Jeff Mixell. Row 3: Wes Martzell, Tom McCall, Kim Kirkaldy, Jeanine Aul, Jay Green, Janet McKee, Vicki Partner. Row 4: Mrs. Loveless, Chris Abernathy, Susan Moenkhaus, Jerry Gale, Steve Fink, Jerry Bonnet, Julie Musick, Lisa Green, Mrs. Ayres
Yorktown Train Depot
At one time passenger trains arrived at the Yorktown Depot four times a day. The Interurban, an electric rail service, also ran frequently to major hubs.
Local Dance Club for the under 21 crowd. Located near Andrews Road and Highway 32 east of Yorktown. 1925 10 Member Girls Team
1925 Yorktown High School Girls Basketball
1925 Yorktown High School Girls’ Basketball Team Left to right: Mary Connelly, Evelyn Applegate, June Littlefield, Edna Kilgore, Evelyn Miller, Mary Donovan, Helen V. Donovan Dora May Miller, Winifred Dater, Mary Skinner and Coach Park
Downtown Yorktown Smith Street Looking East
This is Smith Street looking east after the turn of the last century. Note the old trucks  on the left side of the street and the Interurban tracks in the middle. The Interurban ceased operations in 1942. It was shortly after that that the tracks were removed.
Oliver Hampton Smith 1794-1859, Founder
Oliver H. Smith platted the town of Yorktown in 1837. He was a land speculator, state and federal politician, attorney, and adventurer. Read his full biography HERE. Stree scene
1923 Swift Photo of Downtown Yorktown
Smith Street looking southwest. The corner of Broadway and Smith can be seen on the right side of the photo.
Smith and Walnut
Street scene the corner of Smith and Walnut Streets, downtown Yorktown, Indiana.
Champion Twirlers
Terri Branson 1971. Jennifer Morrow 1972 ( class of 1977) both Jr. Miss Twirler Champions
1971 Library and AV Aides YMS
1971 Library and AV Aides for Yorktown Middle School
Smith at Walnut Street
Smith Street looking northeast near Walnut Street.  Notice the gas pump near the street in front of the drug store.
White Oak Stables, Yorktown, IN
This photo was taken at the Shelby County Fair in 1940. White Oaks Stables was owned by Dr. Will C. Moore, a well-known surgeon.  On the 1200- acre farm, Will and wife Edith raised cattle, hogs and horses.
Loranzo & Matilda (Green) Koontz Home
Lorenzo Dow Koontz was an early settler in Henry County. His parents, Jacob and Debora (Combs) Koontz came to what is now Middletown, Indiana in about 1825. According to family history, Jacob platted the town of Middletown.  L.D. and wife, Matilda, left Indiana  for OR and CA in the gold rush, returning in 1855.  He died in 1892, Matilda in 1927. They had 11 children. The house was on Andrews Road and burned down.
Downtown 1985
Home, sweet, home, Yorktown! The water tower was on Broadway, not far from the corner of Smith Street.
Cammack Station
Built in 1931,  the building was home to many gas stations and little groceries in the town of Cammack, Indiana, just north of Yorktown. Pete’s Grocery was the last of such businesses before the renovations turned the old station into an ice cream and sandwich shop. The retro 50’s  interior and exterior is a feast of color and memories.  Cammack Station is open seasonally.
Muncie Drive-In Theatre
Our folks would put us in our pajamas, pop lots of popcorn, and take a car-load to the Muncie Drive-In Theatre in Yorktown on Highway 32, east of town. This photo is from 1958. Day light saving time and home videos spelled the end of the ritual of watching a movie on the hood or your car.
Interurban on Smith St.., Yorktown
The Interurban traveling on Smith Street. The VW Bug dates this picture to the 1950’s so this must be a special excursion since regular Interurban service ended in 1942.
Strawboard Manufacturing Company
The West Muncie Project not only brought a lake and hotel to Yorktown, it also brought industry to the city. This is the Strawboard Manufacturing Co. around the turn of the last century
1948 Burgess Service Station
Burgess Service Station 1948, downtown Yorktown, Indiana. Percy “Clyde” Burgess was the owner of the station. The curbs were always covered with a clean, white coat of paint.
West Muncie Brochure
Lake View Hotel, Lake Delaware, new train depot, manufacturing sites and free gas–welcome to 1892. The Gas Boom helped Yorktown thrive. and east-coast developers flocked here to reap the benefits. West Muncie was born of their ambitions. Their plan was to incorporate Yorktown into West Muncie as “Old Town”. There will be an article on West Muncie in the future.
1925 YHS Girls Basketball Schedule
1947 Yorktown High School Seniors A-C
1947 Yorktown High School Seniors Below. R1: Barbara Ann Applegate/Donna Louise Atwell; R2: Julie Alice Broadwater/Beverly Rose Burgess; R3: Harold H. Byerly/Richard C. Clark; R4: Clarence A Cook/Reva Mae Curtis
1947 Yorktown High School Seniors D-G
Below. R1: Earl Davenport, Jr./Norman Ralph Dragoo; R2: James Richard Estep/Robert Winton Fadely; R3:Wilbur Richard Fight/Martha Sue Fosnaugh; R4: Robert Maurice Gale/Zane Jay Grey
1947 Yorktown High School Seniors H-K
Below. R1: Betty Jean Hamilton/Birlsel Gale Hodson; R2: Roberta Ellen Humes/Vera (Brown) Ingram; R3: Forrest Richard “Dick” King/Helen Marie Kiser; R4:
1947 Yorktown High School Seniors M-S
Below: R1: Mary Lou Morgan/Alberta Faye Morris; R2: Keith Hampton Morrison/Lois Ann Payne; R3: Lois Ann Reed/ Margaret Jean “Peggy” Richards; R4: Joanna Mae Sellers/Vona Sue Stark
1947 Yorktown High School Seniors
R1: Bertie Eloise Stephenson/Thomas F. Stewart; R2: Harold Elwood Terrell/Amaryllis Nancy Terry; R3 Mary Frances Ware/James “Jim” Raymond Watkins; R4: Bertie Lee Wray No picture: Howard Jones-Discharged Serviceman
1947 Yorktown High School Seniors As Babies
What cuties! YHS Class of 1947 baby pictures. Most of the class was born around 1929.
The History of the Class of 1947
The history of Yorktown High School class of 1947 includes the names of class officers. Load More