Dr. Winfield Scott Brandon, MD was raised in Fairmount, Indiana in Grant County. After finishing his graded classes, he began teaching at the age of 18-years-old for eight years. In 1876, he began courses at the Medical College in Cincinnati. From 1880-1881, he began medical practice in Grant County and also attended Butler University Medical and graduated during that time. After graduation, he went to work in Andrews, in Huntington County, Indiana (the town was previously known as Antiock but was renamed in the 1880’s). Dr. Brandon “taking every opportunity for perfecting his knowledge” took a course in a New York hospital in 1888. Afterwards, in 1889, he moved to Daleville. He was living and practicing in Daleville when he died in 1931.
Dr. W. S. Brandon, MD married twice. First, to Mary S Green in Grant County in 1878. Second, to Nettie Valentine in 1899 in Missouri. They also are in the census records there in 1900.