Slack, Dr. George Washington (1825-1866), Physician

Dr. G. W. Slack, MD moved to Delaware County with his parents when he was just 12-years-old in 1837. He married Mary Louise “Louisa” Hardin in 1854 in Madison County, Indiana. He graduated from Rush Medical College and opened a practice in Yorktown, Indiana in 1854. He practiced in Yorktown until his death in 1886.

1860 Census, Yorktown, Delaware County, Indiana
1880 Census, Yorktown, Delaware County, Indiana

Heirs sell land after his death.
Obituary of son, Oliver P Slack, Yorktown native

1913 Great Downtown Fire in Yorktown

1913 January 26 Yorktown suffered a terrible fire. The block on the north side of Smith Street was lost and later rebuilt. The fire started in the back of LH Greer Drugs on the northeast corner of Walnut and Smith. (The site was later Bonnet Drug Store and The Stork’s Nest.)

The fire also burned the post office, Signal Handcock Grocery, E & F Prillman Hardware, Dr. C.H. Wright’s office, and the apartment of William Hanson. The I.O.O.F. had just taken possession of their new meeting place just days before the fire. All was lost. It was a terrible day in the history of our town. Fortunately, there were only minor injuries.

1950 Methodist Church Fire

In 1950, a major remodeling project was undertaken at the Methodist Church. Christmas services were held in the morning and a wedding was planned for the afternoon of December 24. Shortly after services were dismissed, smoke was seen coming from the south part of the sanctuary. High winds at the height of the fire blew sparks to several parts of town, setting fire to the roof of the neighboring school building and several houses in the area. The church was completely destroyed by the fire. Services were held in the school until a new building was completed.

In 1961, fire once again threatened the church. Thanks to the quick action by some passers-by and the local fire department, the tower area was the only portion of the building damaged.