Metzcar, John Wesley (1877- 1964); and Myrtle Fletcher Wesley (1879-1962)

Metzcar, John Wesley (1877- 1964); wife,  Myrtle Fletcher (1879-1962) John was the manager of the Western Reserve Condensed Milk Company of Yorktown Myrtle Fletcher was the daughter of Fountain Fletcher and Eliza J. Crawley, one of the pioneer families of this county.

From 1924 biography: Manager of the Western Reserve Condensed Milk Company of Yorktown, Metzcar is a native of Ohio but has been a resident of Indiana and of Delaware county for many years. Mr. Metzcar was born on a farm in the vicinity of Greenville, in Darke County, Ohio, November 11, 1877, and is a son of Daniel and Emma (Wissinger) Metzcar, the latter of whom was born in Baltimore, Md. The late Daniel Metzcar was born in Darke county, Ohio, grew to manhood on a farm there and was a farmer all his life

John W. Metzcar was reared on the home farm in Darke county and as a young man was for some time employed working in a hotel at Greenville. He then came over into Indiana and became employed working in a glass factory at Yorktown, became a glass blower, and was thus engaged for six years, at the end of which time he became connected with the operation of the Union Fibre Company of Yorktown. For thirteen years Mr. Metzcar was employed with the Union Fibre Company, or until early in 1918, when he transferred his connection to the operations of the Western Reserve Condensed Milk Company of Yorktown.

Five months later, in September of that year, he was made manager of the plant and operations of this company and has since occupied that position, general manager of a concern for whose products a wide market has been created. Mr. Metzcar is a Republican. He is affiliated with the local lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Improved Order of Red Men at Yorktown and has been “through the chairs” in all of these lodges. He and his wife are members of the Christian (Disciples) church. John W. Metzcar married Myrtle Fletcher, daughter of Fountain Fletcher and a member of one of the pioneer families of this county, and he and his wife have four children, Paul, Crystal, Juanita and, Maurice Metzcar. Paul Metzcar married Beatrice Hoffman and was a (1924) principal of the Cammack school.

Obituaries for John and Myrtle Family Data Sheet below
