Dr. Marcellus Phillip Wright was a teacher at Yorktown High School before he followed his father, Dr. Carl H. Wright, into the medical field. Dr. M. P. Wright practiced in Montana, Chicago, and Peoria, Illinois. He is buried in Elm Ridge Cemetery in Muncie.
Below is the researched Ancestry file with detailed information about Dr. Marcellus “Cell” Phillip Wright. This includes a list of source material.
A Yorktown native, Dr. Theodore Sidney, was the son of Yorktown physician Carl H. Wright. His brother, Marcellus Phillip Wright was also a doctor. Theodore practiced in Chicago for 40 years. He is buried in the Yorktown Cemetery.
Tombstone and Burial at Yorktown Cemetery
The PDF below is an Ancestry file that has information about Dr. Wright and his family. The source documents are listed as well.
Dr. Carl Huston Wright had a medical practice in Yorktown from 1903 until his death in 1938. He graduated from Indiana Medical College in 1903. He and his wife, Josephine (Barido) are buried in Yorktown Cemetery. His two sons also became doctors: Theodore Sidney Wright and Marcellus “Cell” Phillip Wright.
Theodore Wright practiced in Chicago for 40 years but he and his wife are buried in the Yorktown Cemetery. Marcellus was a teacher at Yorktown High School for 5 years before going into the medical field. He practiced in Montana, Chicago, and Peoria, Illinois. He is buried at Elm Ridge Cemetery. Although the big 1913 Patterson Building/IOOF fire said that Dr. Wright’s office in Yorktown was destroyed by the fire.
The PDF file below is a list of the Ancestry file for Dr. Wright. There are records listed there that can further research he and his family.
1913 January 26 Yorktown suffered a terrible fire. The block on the north side of Smith Street was lost and later rebuilt. The fire started in the back of LH Greer Drugs on the northeast corner of Walnut and Smith. (The site was later Bonnet Drug Store and The Stork’s Nest.)
The fire also burned the post office, Signal Handcock Grocery, E & F Prillman Hardware, Dr. C.H. Wright’s office, and the apartment of William Hanson. The I.O.O.F. had just taken possession of their new meeting place just days before the fire. All was lost. It was a terrible day in the history of our town. Fortunately, there were only minor injuries.