Biography: Parkison, George Wellington (1826-1898)

George W Parkison fought in the Mexican-American War in 1847 and again in the Civil War in 1861. He was born in Perry County, Ohio on 25 Feb 1826 to Samuel and Eleanor “Ellen” Mohler. Samuel was born in Pennsylvania in 1798 and Ellen Maryland in 1802.

George Parkison was married two times. First, to Eliza Jane “Louisa” Beath on 29 Nov 1849. Eliza was the daughter of John and Martha (Kelly) Parkison. George and Eliza had 10 children.

He married second Mary Martin Perdue in 1870 and had five children with her. See the PDF directly below for the full information as of today, 29 Sep 2022.





Member of the 8th Regiment, Company A

1920 Gone! Yorktown Boys Disappear

Cummins, Corwin and Staggs, Howard

Howard Staggs, Age 15
Corwin Cummings, Age 14


While reading newspapers from 100 years ago, an intriguing headline caught my eye, “Yorktown Boys Disappear”. Originally, the only information that police had was that the boys were seen boarding a west-bound Interurban at a stop west of Yorktown. The article explained that on 1 October 1920, cards bearing the picture of two missing boys were mailed to cities throughout the state. The police asked for citizens to be on the lookout for the two teenage boys. The boys had been missing since September 25th. Parents were frantic!

The missing boys were Corwin Cummins (14), son of Rollins and Eva Andre Cummins, and his buddy, Howard Staggs (15), son of Perry and Verna Dunn StaggsSoon after the pair left, they were found to have run away from home. The boys sent dispatches to their parents giving their location. The first dispatch said that they were in Milwaukee and they were going to Utah. 

“We’ll be back in two years.” 

Apparently, the boys had no intention of returning home any time soon!

What happened to the two young men was found in the 2 November 1920, Muncie Star Press after they had been missing for over five weeks. The ending was a hoot. See the original clipping below, learn a little about their families, and what happened to them when they grew up.          ~Julie Musick Hillgrove 

Look for their biographies for more information. 


1920 Recruits at Great Lakes Naval Base in Chicago Not sure if the boys are in this picture, but it is what they would experience in 1920! It rather looks like school. Photo Navy History and Heritage Command

Cummins, Rollie Shortridge (1877-1935) and Emma Mae Andre Cummins (1874-1948)

Rollie Shortridge Cummins and Emma Mae Andre Cummins were the parents Andre (1901), Corwin (1905), James (1910, and Marion (1914). Rollie was the pricipal of of Daleville School and later became the president of the Yorktown State Bank. During WWI, Rollie worked as the government appeal agent for Delaware County. He travelled extensively.

Rollie Cummins divorced Emma Mae 27 June 1929. The newspaper went into detail quoting Rollie as saying that his wife had “a peculiar desire [for the children] to attend schools belonging to the church to which she belonged.”  The family lived for a time in Battle Creek, moving to Yorktown in 1908. Battle Creek, Michigan  was the headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which was established there in 1863.

Son, James Flemming Cummins moved to Takoma Park, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC, and worked for the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a  the secretary-treasurer of the conference.

Bell, Joseph

Bell, JosephEARLY PURCHASE,  land in Section 21, Mt. Pleasant Township, Delaware County, IN, 1 Jul 1826. Not in census records in 1830, 1840, 1850 in Delaware County.