200-Years Ago: Native Americans on the Move

By Julie Musick Hillgrove (Copyright 2021. Used with permission of the Author)

A slightly different version can be found in the YHA Newsletter March/April 2021.

Following the Revolutionary War, pressure on Native Americans in the east to move west increased. Before the Revolutionary War, the British attempted to hold back the swell of people in the east from entering and settling on the territories of the Native Americans west of the Appalachian Mountains. Their efforts were unsuccessful. The British restriction from settling west contributed to the causes of the Revolutionary War.

There were many treaties written and broken that brought more Native Americans to today’s Delaware County. Many came after the Revolutionary War and the Treaty of Greenville in 1814.  

Two-hundred-years ago, Delaware County began recording the first permanent white settlements on public land but first, that land had to be available to purchase.  In 1818, the Treaty of St. Mary’s was signed as six individual treaties with many Native American tribes. The treaties resulted in the purchase of 8,500,000 acres of Native American land within central Indiana by the federal government. The land is often referred to as the “New Purchase” or “public land” in land abstracts and descriptions.

When I grew up in Yorktown, Indiana, my playground was the woods along the White River. I had great curiosity about the Native Americans in the area. Who were they? Where did they go?  This was Miami territory, although the Miami lived mostly to the north with settlements along the Mississinewa River in today’s Delaware County. The Delaware tribe, forced from the east, were late comers in the area arriving along the White River about 1790-95. The Delaware settled here with permission of the Miami who considered central Indiana, southwest Michigan and western Ohio their territory. But still more tribes arrived.

Of the tribes signing treaties in 1818, the Delaware (Lenape) reserved the right to occupy their lands along the White River for an additional three years, giving them until 1821 to leave. The tribe moved earlier than the deadline so, by 1820, most Native Americans in present-day Delaware County had moved west of the Mississippi River or to reserves in the north. Watch a film about the Lenape and their history.

A few special land reserves were set aside in the treaties for individual Native Americans. One included 320 acres for Samuel Cassman (Casman)at the confluence of the White River and Buck Creek.

Cassman’s is the earliest recorded land registered in Delaware County on 16 Sep 1820. It was a prime location in the north half of section 22 in what is now the town of Yorktown, Indiana.

Besides Cassman, there were three other Native American reserves in Mt. Pleasant Township adjoining Cassman’s land: Solomon Tindell, received the southeast quarter of section 15, (160 acres) to the north of Cassman in 1824; Benomi Tindell, received the northwest quarter of section 23, (160 acres), east of Cassman in 1824; and Isaac Wobby, received the south half of section 14, (320  acres).

Wobby claimed to have cleared and planted 10-acres of the land in an 1818 letter but he was tenaciously following the Delaware Indian Agent, John Johnston, to Ft. Wayne and then Piqua, Ohio in 1818.  Isaac Wobbly died soon after the treaty was signed.  There was a court battle over whether his widow, Jane, could inherit and sale his land. His land reserve wasn’t registered in Delaware County until 1832 and was in litigation for many years thereafter. Ultimately, Goldsmith Gilbert purchased all of the Indian Reserves in Delaware County. He sold Cassman’s reserve to Oliver H. Smith who platted the town of “York Town” in 1837, naming the town after the Indians who migrated to central Indiana from New York.

The 1818 treaty wrongly identifies these individuals as Delaware Indians in full or part. In truth, all but Cassman were Brothertown (Brotherton) Indians.

The New Purchase land needed to be surveyed and could not be legally sold, although that fact deterred few. In May of 1822, the Ft. Wayne land office was created. According to Kemper in A Twentieth Century History of Delaware County Indiana (1908), the land in Delaware County was sold through the Ft. Wayne land office with few exceptions. Many people flooding into the central part of the state were squatters. 

Who were the Native Americans with land reserves in Mt. Pleasant Township?

While Cassman was said to be half-Delaware, (Cassman’s son refers to his father as a “York” Indian in a letter), it is still unknown why he received such a generous grant. The others, the Tindells, father and son, and Wobby, were part of the Brothertown (Brotherton) Indian Nation (Moravian or Christian Munsee)—a Christian tribe formed in 1785 from many related tribes including some Delaware (Lenape), Pequot, Stockbridge-Munsee, Mohican and Oneida.

The Delaware and Miami gave permission to all related remnant tribes and bands in the east to live along the west fork of the White River prior to the treaty but things didn’t quite work out for those they invited.

In 1818, while cementing the final details of their move to live along the White River as discussed in 1809, a delegation from the Brothertown tribes arrived from New York and Massachusetts to Indiana. The Brothertown delegation stopped at villages along the White River, including Chief William Anderson (Kikthawenund). Learning of the treaty, the group hurried to Ft. Wayne to find Elder Isaac Wobby and his wife, Jane. Wobby had already gone to observe the negotiations of the Treaty of St. Mary’s, Ohio, not letting the Delaware Indian Agent, Johnston, go too far without his presence.

The Brothertown delegation arrived the day prior to the treaty’s conclusion. The Miami and Delaware affirmed the agreement that they had with the Brothertown when they signed the treaty. Fortunately for the some of the Brothertown, those rights were acknowledged in part. Isaac Wobby’s attendance and tenacity helped ensure the individual land reserves. The reserves were most likely given to sell to finance their move west of the Mississippi and not for them to settle upon. The Stockbridge-Munsee sent no one to St. Mary’s and received nothing as a result.

None of those receiving a reserve lived on the land except for Cassman and, possibly, Wobby, for a short time. In correspondence, Wobby claimed to have cleared 10-acres on his reserve but wasn’t living on the land at the time of the treaty. There were also reserves for Elizabeth Pet-cha-ka and Jacob Dicks, both Brothertown Indians, but these reserves were not in Mt. Pleasant Township.

Rebekah Hackley received a full section of land, plus additional land to compensate for the White River running through her property, 672 acres in all, at “Munsee Town”. The land was for her inheritance”. The land became known as the Hackley Reserve and encompasses today’s Muncie, Indiana. She was living in Fort Wayne at the time of the treaty.

Although Rebekah Hackley was a granddaughter of Miami Chief Little Turtle (who had numerous grandchildren), her own father, William Wells, had served with the U.S. military after the Revolutionary War. Wells was killed in the 1812 Massacre of Ft. Dearborn (at Chicago). Wells Street, in downtown Chicago, is named for him. Rebekah’s husband, Capt. John “James” Hackley, Jr., negotiated the treaty between the Native Americans and Hackley’s boss, General Anthony Wayne. Hackley was a long-time member of the U.S. military and earlier militias. He likely ensured that he and his wife were treated generously.

Also of note, the Congressional Record of 1820 records a petition from William Conner (THE “Conner” of Conner Prairie Farm) for consideration of a pre-exemption of land in the “Delaware Towns” where he had been living among the Delaware. Conner had married a Delaware woman, Mekinges, daughter of Chief Anderson, and wanted to remain with his wife and rear his six children on lands that he had improved. The petition was tabled for a time.

Unfortunately for Conner, the Delaware Indians had to move. The Delaware had a matriarchal linage and Mekinges wanted to move with the tribe west. When the Delaware left Indiana in 1820, Conner rode with his wife and children for a day. He turned around while she continued with the children to Kansas via Missouri, later moving to Indian Territory in Oklahoma with her tribe. Conner chose to stay in Indiana. He remarried. The six Conner children who were half-Delaware were denied rights to Conners estate after Conners death. 

Under pressure from the United States government in the 1830’s, the remaining Brothertown (Brotherton) in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York, together with the Stockbridge-Munsee, Moheakunucks (Mohican), and some Oneida, moved to Wisconsin, taking ships through the Great Lakes. They remain settled in Wisconsin. Other tribe members went to Ontario, Canada while others, as we see from above, had already settled in Indiana as early as 1790 had moved to Indian Territory via Missouri and Kansas. Some of the Indiana group when to Wisconsin or Canada but most ended their journey in Oklahoma.

1830 Indian Removal Act

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 authorized the American government to enforce the removal of Native Americans from the eastern United States to lands west of the of the Mississippi River. The Act followed a series of land cession treaties made between 1795 to 1846 that affected tribes in Indiana. Most Indiana tribes were moved between 1830 and 1846. Present-day Oklahoma, was then “Indian Territory”. It was “set aside” for Native Americans forced to relocate west.

The Lenape (Delaware/and some Munsee) moved well before the Indian Removal Act in 1830. During the Treaty of St. Mary’s in 1818, the Delaware negotiated for a three year wait before they had to move. The Delaware had been in Indiana for only 25 years, coming from a large area in the east, centered around New York and the Delaware River. They spent time in Pennsylvania and the Old Northwest Territory (in present-day Ohio) before coming to land along the White River. The powerful Miami, in the north, gave their permission for the settlement.

In 1820, most Delaware, with some Munsee, left Indiana. On their way to Oklahoma, they lived first in Missouri. The Delaware settled on the James River in Missouri and called it “Anderson’s Village”, after their village in Indiana, “Anderson’s Town”. Both were named after well-respected Chief Anderson. The tribe then moved to Iowa, and lastly, Kansas (1835-1867). Some of the tribe moved to Ontario, Canada, others to Wisconsin. Still others settled in Texas. The tribe splintered into smaller and smaller groups after each move.

The Munsee going to Ontario, Canada became known as the “Munsee of the Thames.” Today they are recognized as a First Nation and are called the “Delaware Nation at Moraviantown“. These were mostly Native Americans who were converted to Christianity by the Moravian missionaries.

The Lenape (Delaware) were perhaps the most moved of all of the Native American tribes. The tribe was pushed ever westward. They sold their land in Kansas after 32 years, when they were once again force to move, and purchased land from the Cherokee in Washington County, Indian Territory (Oklahoma).

The last Delaware Indian in Delaware County was “Indian Jim”. Well-known throughout the community of Munsee Town, Born James Muscoe (1810-1871) to parents, Jake and Sally Moscow (Moscow). Jim hid in a fodder shack when it was time for the Delaware to leave and remained hidden for 15 days before he came out. Judge Lewis Rees took him in and he lived out his life in Delaware County, south of Munsee Town until the judge died in 1852.

Watch the documentary, “The Lenape on the Wapahani River”. This 30-minute documentary was produced in 2014 and details the forced moves of the Lenape from first contact in the 1560’s to present time in Oklahoma.

Many smaller bands and clans of the Delaware and Munsee tribes exist. Some were absorbed into or merged with other tribes as they became smaller in number.

For more information:

Indian Removals in Indiana

The Christian Munsee

Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians

1782 Gnadenhutten Massacre

Chief William Anderson

Gelelemend (John Kilbuck Jr.)—Munsee leader and prominent Moravian native convert

Munsee–a subtribe of the Lenape

The Lenape (Delaware Indians)

Delaware Tribe of Indians

1785-1795 Little Turtle’s War

Little Turtle’s War, also known as the Northwest Indian War, was fought between 1785-1795. Britain ceded the land in the Northwest Territory to the United States after the end of the Revolutionary War but Britain maintained military forts and outposts around the Great Lakes even after that time. The agreement between the U.S. and Britain, the Treaty of Paris (1783), marked the Great Lakes as a boundary between the two countries.

Britain continued to support Native American agitators. Native Americans had a centuries-old history of conflict among themselves over the land surrounding the Great Lakes. In 1785, Native Americans formed the Western Confederation of tribes with the help of Britain to resist European settlers encroaching on the tribal lands. The tribes also wanted all land north of the Ohio River This is considered to be the first conflict of the United States Indian Wars.

The United States was defeated badly in Harmar Campaign in 1790 and St. Clair’s Defeat in 1791. The St. Clair’s Defeat cost the lives of 1,000. President Washington sent General “Mad Dog” Anthony Wayne to lead the forces to enforce land rights in the Northwest Territory. (Note: Ft. Wayne, Indiana is named for Anthony Wayne.)

Unknown to the Western Confederacy who thought that Britain would help them, the Brits had signed the Jay Treaty in 1795 which gave assurances to the U.S. that Britain would no longer aid the Native Americans.

In 1794, General Wayne won a decisive victory in the Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794.

After the defeat of the Western Confederacy, the Native Americans were compelled to sign the Treaty of Greenville in 1795. The treaty, included the Delaware, Wyandot, Shawnee, Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatomi, Miami, Wea, Kickapoo, and Kaskaskia tribes. The treaty redefined the boundary between the U.S. and Native American land. This line was known as the Greenville Treaty Line. The treaty gave a large swath of land to the United States government that included northwestern Ohio and a strip of land in southern Indiana.

(Map from Ohio Lands and Their Subdivisions (1918) page 98)