From the President May/June

Clipping from the column written by Becky Sears Monroe

Several months ago, one of our board members suggested that we might do a mural on the windows just west our building. I talked with Christine Whittemore, president of the Yorktown Council for the Arts, and she suggested that instead of a mural we ask local artists to do individual pictures and make a collage. 

We put the word out and several people responded by submitting historic related pictures and paintings. The pieces of art were recently put on display. The response has been good. The historic topic of each picture was selected by the artist with most using pictures from our collection as their inspiration. Topics include the: Interurban Office, Train Depot, Delaware Lake and Hotel, Rock Wool Factory, Solomon Donovan House, Round Barn, Stained Glass Window, The Old Fire Station and Fire Truck, among many others. We still have some spaces for additional art if any of you are interested in adding to the collage.

Our June 12th meeting included information prepared by English 11 Honors classes from Yorktown High School and a Power Point presentation explaining each picture in the collage and its significance in history.

Students from the English 11 Honors classes wrote historic related articles about people, places, and events in the area. These articles were divided into four different categories and then driving tours were created. The information on the tours as well as the students’ papers can be found on their website: Tiger Township Tours. There are brochures on each topic at the Historical Alliance Museum.

We have some new displays inside the museum.  Hope you can drop by for a visit in the near future.  ~Becky

Photo of the Yorktown Dairy Queen circa 1963 was painted by Julie Musick Hillgrove. Copyright 2021.