How to Use the Foods You Can

In 1924, Ila Briley Allen wrote a book for Ball Brothers: “How To Use the Foods You Can”.  There was a section for each month within the book. The book gave sample meals as well as recipes for most items. For July, Ms. Allen recommended: 

Breakfast – Cantaloupe, Spanish Scrambled Eggs, Graham Muffins and Butter, Coffee (Adults) and Milk (Children)

Lunch  – Mixed Vegetable Salad and Mayonnaise, Bread and Butter, Cottage Cheese, Jelly Donuts and Pinepple – ade.

Dinner – Broiled Mackerel or White Fish with Tartar Sauce*, New Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, Bread and Butter, Sliced Cucumbers, Apricot Bavarian Cream* and Hot or Iced Tea.

Specialty items for an afternoon tea or guest might consist of – Pineapple Salad with Mayonnaise, Nut Sandwiches, Little Peach Pies*, coffee or tea.

Canned Chicken Salad Sandwiches*, Tiny Crullers, canned Peach Salad* with mayonnaise, coffee or tea

The * indicates items that would have been canned in Ball Jars.